The Eagle Who Learned to Fly | Short story

High in the mountains, there was a young eagle named Ethan. Ethan was born with large wings, but he was afraid to fly. He would watch his brothers and sisters soar through the sky, but every time he tried to leap off the cliff, his fear would stop him. “What if I fall?” he thought.

One day, an older eagle approached Ethan and said, “You were born to fly, Ethan. The sky is your home. You’ll never know how high you can soar if you don’t take that first leap.”

With the older eagle’s encouragement, Ethan gathered his courage. He climbed to the highest point on the mountain and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath and, with a final push, leaped off the edge.

At first, Ethan felt like he was falling, but then something amazing happened—his wings caught the wind, and he started to glide. Slowly, he flapped his wings, gaining control. Soon, he was flying higher and faster than he ever imagined.

When he returned to the mountain, Ethan was filled with pride. “I did it!” he said. The older eagle smiled and said, “Remember, you were always meant to fly. You just needed to believe in yourself.”

The lesson: Fear can hold you back, but you’ll never know your true potential until you take the leap. Like Ethan, believe in yourself, and you’ll soar to new heights.


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