The Owl Who Trusted His Instincts | Short story

In the quiet of the night, there was an owl named Oscar who lived in the forest. Owls were known for their wisdom, but Oscar often felt unsure of himself. He was always second-guessing his decisions, and it made him nervous to hunt or fly through the dark.

One evening, a terrible storm hit the forest. The winds howled, and the trees swayed dangerously. The animals in the forest were scared and didn’t know what to do. Oscar’s instincts told him that the storm was about to get worse, and they needed to move to a safer place quickly.

But Oscar hesitated. “What if I’m wrong?” he thought. “What if the other animals don’t believe me?”

As the storm grew stronger, Oscar realized he had to trust his instincts. He flew to the tallest tree and hooted loudly to gather the animals. “We need to move to higher ground before the storm floods the forest!” he said.

At first, some animals were unsure, but seeing Oscar’s determination, they followed him. Just as Oscar had sensed, the storm caused a flood, but because they trusted him and moved in time, the animals were safe.

The animals thanked Oscar for guiding them, and he learned an important lesson: “Sometimes, you just have to trust yourself,” Oscar said. “Our instincts are there for a reason.”

The lesson: Trusting your instincts can guide you through difficult times. Like Oscar, if you listen to that inner voice, it may help you make the right decisions.


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